All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Annotation Types Summary
Class |
Description |
Angle |
Representation of an angle.
AssetTrackingOptions |
Enables asset tracking by scanning BLE beacons within the user's environment.
AssetTrackingOptions.Builder |
BeaconFilter |
Represents a BLE filter.
BeaconFilter.Builder |
Builder for Beacon objects
Bounds |
Represents a rectangle bounds in a greographic 2D space
Instances are immutable.
Building |
A building.
Building.Builder |
BuildingInfo |
A building and its dependencies: floors, POIs and events
BuildingInfo.Builder |
Builder to create an instance of BuildingInfo
BuildingResource |
A building resource with building identifier
CalibrationArea |
A calibration area.
CalibrationArea.Builder |
CalibrationScans |
Scans for a calibration.
CartesianCoordinate |
A structure that contains cartesian coordinate.
Circle |
A circle with center and radius
Collision |
Represents the collision between two geometric objects.
CommonErrorConstant |
CommonErrorConstant.Code |
CommonErrorConstant.PropertyKey |
CommunicationConfig |
Defines the configuration for CommunicationManager requests.
CommunicationConfigImpl |
CommunicationManager |
The Communication manager allows you to make asynchronous requests to the server, mostly to fetch data.
CommunicationManager.Code |
CommunicationManager.PropertyKey |
CommunicationOptions |
Deprecated. |
Configuration |
Set the configuration of the the Situm SDK: user credentials, dashboard url, cache expiration, etc.
Coordinate |
A structure that contains geographical coordinate.
CoordinateConverter |
Utility class to convert between cartesian coordinates and geographical coordinates.
DiagnosticsOptions |
Configuration options related to remote diagnostic and telemetry.
DiagnosticsOptions.Builder |
Dimensions |
Define 2D dimensions of a rectangular area.
DirectionsManager |
Allows route calculation between two points, usually from current user's location.
DirectionsManager.Code |
DirectionsManager.PropertyKey |
DirectionsModifier |
It represents a modification applied to a graph in order to compute a @{link Route}
The basic modifier is considered to be an Action represented by a @{link Actions} options and
elements represented by a list of @{link TagModifier} instances where this action would be applied.
DirectionsModifier.Actions |
Actions to be processed when computing a route
DirectionsModifier.Builder |
Helper class to create well formed instances of DirectionsModifier class.
DirectionsModifier.LEGACY_OPTIONS |
Additional options to keep compatibility with previous versions.
DirectionsOptions |
Include additional parameters that determine how a route is computed,
which links should be considered (either avoided or prioritized) when finding a route between two points.
DirectionsOptions.Builder |
DirectionsRequest |
DirectionsRequest.AccessibilityMode |
The accessibility mode used to calculate a route
DirectionsRequest.Builder |
DirectionsRequest builder static inner class.
Error |
Error object with information
Error.Domain |
The possible domains where the error can be produced
EventAction |
Possible actions for EventOccurrences
EventOccurrence |
An event occurrence
ExternalArData |
Encapsulates Augmented Reality information computed by this SDK.
ExternalArData.Builder |
ExternalLocation |
ExternalLocation.Builder |
ExternalNavigation |
ExternalNavigation.MessageType |
Filter |
Filter.FilterMode |
Filter.KeyValueFilter |
Filter.KeyValueFilter.FilterBy |
Field to filter
Filterable |
Floor |
Floor of a building.
Floor.Builder |
Builder to create a Floor instance
FloorResource |
A floor resource with building identifier and floor identifier
ForegroundServiceNotificationOptions |
ForegroundServiceNotificationOptions.Builder |
ForegroundServiceNotificationOptions.TapAction |
Predefined actions performed when tapping the Situm Foreground Service Notification.
Geofence |
Represents a geographic region in a building.
Geofence.Builder |
GeofenceListener |
Implement this class to get notified about entering/exiting geofences.
Grid |
A Grid formed by cells.
Handler<T> |
Interface to receive result of an async request
HttpMethod |
The supported HTTP methods used in the custom requests
HttpOption |
HttpRequest |
HttpRequest.Builder |
HttpRequestExecutor |
Class intended just for internal SDK use to make custom HTTP requests to the Dashboard
I18nString |
A string with a different value depending of the language.
I18nString.Builder |
Allows creating a I18nString in a handier way.
Indication |
Represents the instruction that a user should follow when on a RouteStep to continue
the route
Indication.Action |
Defines the main action of the indication
Indication.Builder |
Indication.Orientation |
Defines the change in orientation associated the the indication
IntegerCell |
A cell of a Grid with the position (x,y) and an integer value
LocalCalibration |
Class to represent a calibration
Location |
A location.
Location.Builder |
Location.Quality |
The quality of the location/bearing.
LocationListener |
LocationManager |
This class provides Situm Indoor and / or Outdoor positioning.
LocationManager.Code |
LocationManager.PropertyKey |
LocationParametersUpdate |
LocationParametersUpdate.Builder |
LocationParametersUpdateListener |
LocationRequest |
A data object that allows you to configure the positioning parameters of the LocationManager (e.g.
LocationRequest.Builder |
Builder constructor that allows to configure all the LocationRequest parameters.
LocationRequest.IndoorProvider |
LocationRequest.MotionMode |
Allows to indicate how the user that carries the smartphone moves: by foot (default), by car, etc.
LocationRequest.RealtimeUpdateInterval |
Enum that allows to specify whether the geolocations computed should be sent to Situm Platform, and if so with which periodicity (time interval).
LocationStatus |
MapperInterface |
A mapper to transform objects from Sdk into Maps.
NavigationListener |
NavigationManager |
Central point to update the progress of a user when follows a route
NavigationProgress |
Provide information of the progress of a user while following a route.
NavigationProgress.Builder |
NavigationRequest |
NavigationRequest.Builder |
NavigationState builder static inner class.
NetworkOptions |
This interface defines options relative to network operations.
NetworkOptions.CacheStrategy |
Supported SDK Cache Strategies.
NetworkOptionsImpl |
This class implements NetworkOptions.
NetworkOptionsImpl.Builder |
OrganizationTheme |
The organization name, UUID, colors and logo
OrganizationTheme.Builder |
OutdoorLocationOptions |
When you build the LocationRequest , this data object configures the Global Mode (see LocationRequest for details) options: Outdoor positioning, Building Detector and Open Sky Detector parameters.
OutdoorLocationOptions.Builder |
OutdoorLocationOptions.BuildingDetector |
Allows to configure how Situm SDK will detect the building where the user is (building detector strategy).
Poi |
Point of Interest, associated to a building, regardless of whether it's place inside or outside the building.
Poi.Builder |
Builder to create a Poi instances
PoiCategory |
Category of Point of Interest.
PoiCategory.Builder |
Point |
Associate geographical coordinate (Location) with Building and Floor (Cartography) and cartesian coordinate relative to that building.
RealTimeData |
Represents the device positions
RealTimeData.Builder |
RealTimeListener |
Listener in which the device positions are received
RealTimeManager |
RealTimeManager provides the ability to obtain real-time data from device positions.
RealTimeRequest |
Represents the configuration for getting realtime devices positions in
RealTimeRequest.Builder |
Builder to create a RealTimeRequest instance
By default the poll time will be setted to 10 seconds.
RemoteCalibration |
A remote calibration stored in the cloud.
RemoteCalibration.Builder |
RemoteCalibration.State |
RemoteConfig |
This class encapsulates all the objects that can be configured remotely using the dashboard,
at this moment:
Resource |
Abstract base class with common properties across Resources
Restriction |
Restriction.Builder |
Route |
Route between two points.
Route.Builder |
Helper class to create well formed instances of @{link es.situm.
RouteAdjustment |
RouteAdjustment.Builder |
RouteSegment |
A continuous segment of a route that contains points of the same floor
RouteStep |
A fragment of a route, described by the initial point from and the last point to
of the fragment, and some information about the step within the route.
RouteStep.Builder |
RouteStep builder static inner class.
Scans |
Scans data of the calibration.
ScansType |
SitumConversionArea |
SitumEvent |
An event: POI with radius, conversion area and asociated statistics.
SitumSdk |
Main entry point for the Situm SDK.
SitumTile |
SitumTile.Builder |
Builder to create an instance of Tile
TagModifier |
Specifies a properties (tag) based on which Directions API will modify its graph.
TagModifier.Builder |
Helper class to create well formed instances of TagModifier class
ThemeColors |
Theme colors
Abstraction of URL.