DirectionsModifier |
It represents a modification applied to a graph in order to compute a @{link Route}
The basic modifier is considered to be an Action represented by a @{link Actions} options and
elements represented by a list of @{link TagModifier} instances where this action would be applied.
DirectionsModifier.Builder |
Helper class to create well formed instances of DirectionsModifier class.
DirectionsOptions |
Include additional parameters that determine how a route is computed,
which links should be considered (either avoided or prioritized) when finding a route between two points.
DirectionsOptions.Builder |
DirectionsRequest |
DirectionsRequest.Builder |
DirectionsRequest builder static inner class.
TagModifier |
Specifies a properties (tag) based on which Directions API will modify its graph.
TagModifier.Builder |
Helper class to create well formed instances of TagModifier class