


Representation of an angle.
Name Type Description
degrees number Angle in degrees, increasing in counter-clockwise
degreesClockwise number Angle in radians, increasing in clockwise
radians number Angle in radians, increasing in counter-clockwise
radiansMinusPiPi number Angle in radians in range (-pi,pi)


Represents a BLE filter. Now the only field is the BLE proximity UUID
Name Type Description
uuid string Assigns the proximity UUID


Represents a rectangle bounds in a greographic 2D space.
Name Type Description
northEast Coordinate The coordinate of the north-east corner of the bound.
northWest Coordinate The coordinate of the north-west corner of the bound.
southEast Coordinate The coordinate of the south-east corner of the bound.
southWest Coordinate The coordinate of the south-east corner of the bound.


A Building object definition
Name Type Description
buildingIdentifier string The unique identifier of the resource
name string The building name that is appropriate for display to the user.
address string Te building address.
bounds Bounds Compute corners of this building, without rotation, in earth coordinates.
boundsRotated Bounds Compute corners of this building, with rotation, in earth coordinates.
center Coordinate Center of the building's base, as geographical coordinate.
Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions of building's base (height and width) in meters.
infoHtml string Additional information about building, formatted with HTML
pictureThumbUrl string The URL of building thumbnail image
pictureUrl string The URL of building image
rotation number Rotation angle of the building's base, relative to the west-east axis, increasing in counter-clockwise, being 0 the west-east axis.
userIdentifier string Unique identifier of the owner user of the building
customFields object Map of custom fields, indexed by their name.


Detailed information of a building in a single object.
Name Type Description
building Building Basic information.
floors Array.<Floor> complete set of levels.
indoorPois Array.<Poi> list of indoor pois (the ones which its coordinate is inside the building).
outdoorPois Array.<Poi> list of indoor pois (the ones which its coordinate is outside the building).
events Array.<Event> list of events associated with a building.


A structure that contains cartesian coordinate.
Name Type Description
x number Value of coordinate at x-axis
y number Value of coordinate at y-axis


A circular area
Name Type Description
center Point The center of the circle
radius number The radius of the circle


A structure that contains geographical coordinate.
Name Type Description
latitude number Latitude in degrees
longitude number Longitude in degrees


Define 2D dimensions of a rectangular area.
Name Type Description
width number Width of rectangle in meters
height number Height of rectangle in meters.


A data object that contains the directions options.
Name Type Description
minimizeFloorChanges boolean Defines wheter or not the route should be calculated minimizing the floor changes even if the result is longer.
accessibleRoute boolean Defines wheter or not the route has to be suitable for wheel chairs (true) or not (false). @deprecated, use accessibilityMode
accessible boolean Defines wheter or not the route has to be suitable for wheel chairs (true) or not (false). @deprecated, use accessibilityMode
accessibilityMode string Defines the accessibility mode of the route. Possible values are: CHOOSE_SHORTEST, ONLY_NOT_ACCESSIBLE_FLOOR_CHANGES, ONLY_ACCESSIBLE
startingAngle number Current user's orientation in degrees.
includedTags Array.<stting> List of tags that you want to use when calculating a route. Only the tags added here will be used. If there are other tags in the graph they won't be used. The edges without a tag will be used. If you don't set nothing all the graph will be used to calculate the route. You can learn more about this topic on
excludedTags Array.<stting> List of tags that you want your route to avoid. If you exclude a tag the route will never pass through an edge that have this tag. If the route can only be generated passing through an edge with this tag the route calculation will fail. You can learn more about this topic on


A data object that contains the request for directions.
Name Type Description
positioningBuilding Building
from Point | Location Current user's position as the starting point of the route.
to Point | POI Point to, where the route should end.
options DirectionsOptions Options that can be added to the request.


For internal use only.
Name Type Description
messageType String
payload Map


Floor of a building.
Name Type Description
altitude number Altitude of the floor above ground level, in meters.
buildingIdentifier string The identifier of building which this floor belongs.
level number The number of the floor.
name string The name of the floor
mapUrl string The floor map image url
scale number The scale of the floor image, in px/meters
floorIdentifier string The unique identifier of the resource


Point of Interest, associated to a building, regardless of whether it's place inside or outside the building.
Name Type Description
identifier string The unique identifier of the resource
buildingIdentifier string Identifier of building to which the POI belongs.
floorIdentifier string If this POI is outside the building (isOutdoor == true), this field has no meaning.
name string A name for the geofence, appropriate for display to the user.
infoHtml string Additional information about POI, in HTML
polygonPoints Array.<Point> List of points of that define the area of the geofence
customFields object Map of custom fields, indexed by their name.


Represents the instruction that a user should follow when on a RouteStep to continue the route.
Name Type Description
distance number The distance between the origin and destination
distanceToNextLevel number The number of levels between the origin and destination
indicationType string The Indication.Action of the instruction as String
orientation number The angle a user should change his direction in order to go from the origin to the destination.
orientationType string The Indication.Orientation of the instruction as String
stepIdxDestination number The index of the indication's step of destination.
stepIdxOrigin number The index of the indication's step of origin
neededLevelChange boolean If the user should change the level in order to arrive to destination


A location. It can be indoor or outdoor, check isIndoor and isOutdoor. A valid indoor location has floorIdentifier and cartesianCoordinate.
Name Type Description
accuracy number The accuracy radius (in meters)
bearing Angle The bearing (in degrees) with respect to the Earth North.
bearingQuality string The quality of the cartesian bearing.
buildingIdentifier string Only used in indoor.
cartesianBearing Angle Only used in indoor. In Angle object.
cartesianCoordinate CartesianCoordinate Only used in indoor. In CartesianCoordinate object.
coordinate Coordinate The Coordinate of the location
floorIdentifier string Only used in indoor.
position Point The position of the location as Point.
provider string The device identifier that has generated the location
quality string Only used in indoor. Possible values are HIGH and LOW.
hasBearing boolean True if the location has bearing and the bearing quality is Location.Quality.HIGH, false otherwise.
timestamp number The timestamp of the location.
hasCartesianBearing boolean Only used in indoor.
isIndoor boolean True if the location is indoor
isOutdoor boolean True if the location is outdoor
deviceId string Identifier of the device that has generated the location


A data object that contains parameters for the location service, LocationManager.


A data object that contains parameters for the location service, LocationManager.
Name Type Description
buildingIdentifier number Identifier of the building on which the positioning will be started
interval number Default interval (in milliseconds) to notify location updates
indoorProvider string Default indoor provider. Possible values are INPHONE and SUPPORT
useBle boolean Defines whether or not to use BLE for positioning
useWifi boolean Defines whether or not to use Wi-Fi for positioning
useGps boolean Defines whether or not to use the GPS for indoor positioning
useBarometer boolean Defines whether or not to use barometer for indoor positioning
motionMode string Default motion mode. Possible values are BY_CAR, BY_FOOT and RADIOMAX
useForegroundService boolean Defines whether or not to activate the foreground service
useDeadReckoning boolean Defines whether ot not to use dead reckoning to get fast position updates using only the inertial sensors, between the server position updates.
outdoorLocationOptions OutdoorLocationOptions Outdoor location options. Only used in an indoor/outdoor request
beaconFilters Array.<BeaconFilter> Beacon filters to be handled during scan time, otherwise only Situm beacons will be scanned. Can be invoked multiple times to add as much beacon filters as you want.
smallestDisplacement number Default smallest displacement to nofiy location updates
realtimeUpdateInterval string Default interval to send locations to the Realtime. Possible values are REALTIME, FAST, NORMAL, SLOW and BATTERY_SAVER
autoEnableBleDuringPositioning boolean Set if the BLE should be re-enabled during positioning if the ble is used. Android only


Status of the positioning
Name Type Description
statusName string Status in which the positioning is
statusOrdinal number Number of the status
Provides information of the progress of a user while following a route.
Name Type Description
closestPointInRoute Point Closest point in the route from the user location provided . @deprecated Use closestLocationInRoute instead.
closestLocationInRoute Location Closest location in the route from the user location provided .
distanceToClosestPointInRoute number Distance between the real user location (provided to updateWithLocation(Location)) and the closest route location.
currentIndication Indication The current indication.
nextIndication Indication The next indication.
currentStepIndex number The index of the closest route step to the user, where closestLocationInRoute is.
distanceToGoal number The distance in meters from closestLocationInRoute to route's goal point.
distanceToEndStep number The distance in meters to go from closestLocationInRoute to the end of the current step.
timeToEndStep number The estimated time to go from closestLocationInRoute to the end of the current route step, considering a speed of 1 meter/second.
timeToGoal number The estimated time to go from closestLocationInRoute to the goal/end of route, considering a speed of 1 meter/second.
routeStep RouteStep The closest route step to the user, where closestLocationInRoute is.
points Array.<Point> List of ordered points of the remaining route
segments Array.<RouteSegment> List of segments formed by consecutive points and a floor identifier
A data object that contains parameters for the navigation service, NavigationManager.
Name Type Description
distanceToChangeIndicationThreshold number Distance threshold from when the next indication is considered reached.
distanceToFloorChangeThreshold number Distance threshold from when a floor change is considered reached.
distanceToGoalThreshold number Distance threshold from when the goal is considered reached.
distanceToIgnoreFirstIndication number Maximum distance to ignore the first indication when navigating a route (Only available for Android).
ignoreLowQualityLocations number Set if low quality locations should be ignored. (Only available for Android).
indicationsInterval number Time to wait between indications.
outsideRouteThreshold number Set the distance to consider the use is outside of the route. A type=userOutsideRoute will be sent trough the NavigationListener .
roundIndicationsStep number Step that will be used to round indications distance.
timeToFirstIndication number Time to wait until the first indication is returned.
timeToIgnoreUnexpectedFloorChanges number Time (in millis) to ignore the locations received during navigation, when the next indication is a floor change, if the locations are in a wrong floor (not in origin or destination floors).


Outdoor location options are only used in indoor-outdoor mode (Only available for Android)
Name Type Description
userDefinedThreshold boolean
computeInterval number Interval (in milliseconds) between consecutive GPS readings performed by Situm SDK, and therefore between consecutive generated Outdoor Locations.
averageSnrThreshold number


Point of Interest, associated to a building, regardless of whether it's place inside or outside the building.
Name Type Description
identifier string The unique identifier of the resource
buildingIdentifier string Identifier of building to which the POI belongs.
cartesianCoordinate CartesianCoordinate Cartesian coordinate of this position, relative to building Bounds.
coordinate Coordinate Geographical coordinate of this position
floorIdentifier string If this POI is outside the building (isOutdoor == true), this field has no meaning.
poiName string A name for the POI, appropriate for display to the user.
position Point Point where the point is located.
isIndoor boolean Whether the POI is placed outside the building or not.
isOutdoor boolean Whether the POI is placed outside the building or not.
category PoiCategory Category of the POI
infoHtml string Additional information about POI, in HTML
customFields object Map of custom fields, indexed by their name.


Category of Point of Interest.
Name Type Description
poiCategoryCode string Unique code of the category
poiCategoryName string The category name appropriate for display to the user
icon_selected string The selected icon url
icon_unselected string The unselected icon url
public boolean Whether the category is public or not


An object that contains the identifier of the POI the user has deselected and the building identifier where it is located.
Name Type Description
identifier number The unique identifier of the POI deselected.
buildingIdentifier number The unique identifier of the building where the POI is located at.


Associate geographical coordinate (Location) with Building and Floor (Cartography) and cartesian coordinate relative to that building.
Name Type Description
buildingIdentifier string Unique identifier for the building to which this point belongs
cartesianCoordinate CartesianCoordinate Cartesian coordinate (in meters) relative to the Bounds of building's base.
coordinate Coordinate Geographic coordinate (latitude, longitude) of the point, regardless of whether it's placed inside or outside the building.
floorIdentifier string Floor identifier (inside the building) where this point is placed.
isIndoor boolean If the POI is inside the building.
idOutdoor boolean If the POI is outside the building.


An object that contains the identifier of the POI the user has selected and the building identifier where it is located.
Name Type Description
identifier number The unique identifier of the POI selected.
buildingIdentifier number The unique identifier of the building where the POI is located at.


A data object that contains information of the location of users in realtime.
Name Type Description
locations Array.<Location> object


A data object that contains the parameters to process realtime data of the users.
Name Type Description
building Building object
pollTime int Interval in milliseconds (minimum is 3000ms).


Route between two points.
Name Type Description
edges Array.<RouteStep> Ordered list of steps to go to the goal point
firstStep RouteStep First step
from Point Point where the route starts.
indications Indication Ordered list of instructions to go to the destination
lastStep RouteStep Last step
nodes Array.<Point> A collection of points of the route (not ordered)
points Array.<Point> List of ordered points of the route
to Point Last point and goal of the route.
steps Array.<RouteStep> Ordered list of steps to go to the goal point
segments Array.<RouteSegment> List of segments formed by consecutive points and a floor identifier


A fragment of a route, described by a floor identifier and a list of consecutive points from the same floor
Name Type Description
floorIdentifier string Identifier of the floor containing the points in this segment
points Array.<Point> Consecutive points in the same floor forming a path


A fragment of a route, described by the initial point from and the last point to of the fragment, and some information about the step within the route.
Name Type Description
distance number Distance between from and to in meters.
distanceToGoal number Distance in meters between the start point of this step (from) and the last point in the route ('to' of the last step).
from Point Start point of this step.
id number Position of this RouteStep in the list of steps (Route.steps) of the route to which it belongs.
to Point End point of this step.
isFirst boolean Returns true if this is the first step in the route.
isLast boolean Returns true if this is the last step in the route.


A rectangular area of a floor defining the conversion area of an event
Name Type Description
floorIdentifier number The identifier of the floor the SitumConversionArea is located at.
topLeft object Top-left corner
topRight object Top-right corner
bottomLeft object Bottom-left corner
bottomRight object Bottom-right corner


An event: POI with radius, conversion area and asociated statistics. It is intended for usage in marketing apps.
Name Type Description
buildingIdentifier number The identifier of the building this floor belongs to. Deprecated, use instead
identifier number Unique identifier of the SitumEvent.
floorIdentifier number The identifier of the floor this event is located at. @deprecated, use instead
infoHtml string Information contained into the event, in HTML format.
conversionArea SitumConversionArea Location where the event is located. @deprecated, use conversion instead
conversion Circle Location where the event is located.
trigger Circle Location where the event should be fired
customFields object Key-value pairs that allow to extend and fully customize the information associated with the event.
radius number Radius of the event associated area. @deprecated, use trigger.radius instead
name string Name of the event
x number Center of the event in the x-axis. @deprecated, use instead
y number Center of the event in the y-axis. @deprecated, use instead

Type Definitions


Options to apply to directions requests
Name Type Description
includedTags Array.<string> List of tags that you want to use when calculating a route. Only the tags added here will be used. If there are other tags in the graph they won't be used. The edges without a tag will be used. If you don't set any tag, all the graph will be used to calculate the route. You can learn more about this topic on
excludedTags Array.<string> List of tags that you want your route to avoid. If you exclude a tag the route will never pass through an edge that have this tag. If the route can only be generated passing through an edge with this tag the route calculation will fail. You can learn more about this topic on


Name Type Description
error any Location error.


Name Type Description
status string Status.


Name Type Description
location Location Location.