Type alias MapViewConfiguration

MapViewConfiguration: {
    apiDomain?: string;
    buildingIdentifier: string;
    directionality?: string;
    language?: string;
    profile?: string;
    remoteIdentifier?: string;
    situmApiKey: string;
    viewerDomain?: string;

Type declaration

  • Optional apiDomain?: string

    A String parameter that allows you to choose the API you will be retrieving our cartography from. Default is "dashboard.situm.com". In most cases this parameter shouldn't be changed.

  • buildingIdentifier: string


    The building that will be loaded on the map. In case you set a buildingIdentifier in your remote configuration, it will be prioritized over buildingIdentifier parameter.

  • Optional directionality?: string

    Sets the directionality of the texts that will be displayed inside MapView. Default is "ltr".

  • Optional language?: string

    Sets the UI language based on the given ISO 639-1 code. Checkout the Situm docs to see the list of supported languages.

  • Optional profile?: string

    A String that specifies the selected profile name for configuring the MapView with its corresponding remote settings.

  • Optional remoteIdentifier?: string


    Use profile instead. A String identifier that allows you to remotely configure all map settings.

  • situmApiKey: string


    Your Situm API key. Find your API key at your situm profile

  • Optional viewerDomain?: string

    A String parameter that allows you to specify which domain will be displayed inside our webview. Defaults to "https://map-viewer.situm.com/". In most cases this parameter shouldn't be changed.

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