Interface MapViewRef


  • MapViewRef


cancelNavigation: (() => void)

Type declaration

    • (): void
    • Cancels the current navigation, if any.

      Returns void

navigateToPoi: ((params) => void)

Type declaration

navigateToPoint: ((params) => void)

Type declaration

    • Starts navigating to the given coordinates, at the given floor.


      • params: {
            accessibilityMode?: AccessibilityMode;
            floorIdentifier: string;
            lat: number;
            lng: number;
            navigationName?: string;
        • Optional accessibilityMode?: AccessibilityMode

          You can optionally choose the desired AccessibilityMode used to calculate the route.

        • floorIdentifier: string

          The floorIndetifier of the destination point.

        • lat: number

          The latitude of the destination point.

        • lng: number

          The longitude of the destination point.

        • Optional navigationName?: string

          You can optionally set the name of the destination to be displayed on the MapView.

      Returns void

search: ((searchFilter) => void)

Type declaration

    • (searchFilter): void
    • Performs a search with the given SearchFilter.

      This action will have the same effect as the user searching in the searchbar.


      Returns void

selectPoi: ((poiId) => void)

Type declaration

selectPoiCategory: ((categoryId) => void)

Type declaration

    • (categoryId): void
    • Selects the given POI category and displays the list of POIs that belong to the given category. Also, the POIs that do not belong to this category will be hidden in the map.


      Returns void

setDirectionsOptions: ((directionsOptions) => void)

Type declaration

setFavoritePois: ((poiIds) => void)

Type declaration

    • (poiIds): void
    • Sets the list of favoritePois that will appear in the mapView. This method removes any previous pois from the favorite list.


      Returns void

setOnDirectionsRequestInterceptor: ((params) => void)

Type declaration

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