Situm Android SDK 3.25.0
API specification for the Situm Android SDK.
The main entry point is the class SitumSDK.
There are two ways to set the credentials, in the AndroidManifest.xml
file or
file:You can set the credentials (user and API key) in the
file adding the next meta-data fields:<meta-data android:name="es.situm.sdk.API_USER" android:value="API_USER_EMAIL" /> <meta-data android:name="es.situm.sdk.API_KEY" android:value="API_KEY" />
In the code, you can set the the user and API key with:
SitumSdk.configuration().setApiKey("USER_EMAIL", "API_KEY");
or you can set the user and password with:
SitumSdk.configuration().setUserPass("USER_EMAIL", "PASSWORD");
Then, you can access the different manager through the SitumSDK methods.
You can find more info in the Situm Developers website.